Saturday, December 13, 2008

15 years ago today...

I can't even believe it! 15 years ago today...Harrison was born! That's right. Harrison's 15th Birthday is today! It is so hard to believe that 15 years have past...where has the time gone?

Today was a great day...if I can say so myself! We started early this morning for the LEARNER'S PERMIT...after some waiting and some nerves...He passed! That is correct. Harrison can legally drive.

After Harrison drove me home from getting his license...we got ready for our evening out. Instead of a birthday party...we went to Medieval Times. He had a great time and so did I. The King even wished him a happy birthday!

Finally...we concluded the night with his gift. He is upstairs now...playing his heart out!

It was a great day and I pray a memory he will remember a long time!

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Suit $90.00
Corsage $24.00

Dinner out $40.00

Dance lessons from mom $0.00

First Homecoming Experience...priceless!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

growing up...

Yesterday marked another milestone in my son's life. Next weekend is we went suit shopping. 1st of all, there is something to be said for going to a casual church and living at a time in history where the culture is casual as well. I had no idea how expensive suits really were! I was shocked. But we found a great one that he to order flowers!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Oh...I forgot!

I did one more thing during fall break. I VOTED! Yep! I've already cast my vote for the November 4th Presidential Election (4th Tiff...not the 11th!) It was great. Not too long of a line and when I was already OFF of work! I thought it was awesome. The coolest part for me though was that they allowed Harrison to observe the voting process. I figure on the 4th, the lines and craziness of the polls would not allow for that opportunity, so it was neat to let him watch me vote! He even got a sticker!

Great news...we've got GAS!

For those of you with a sick sense of humor...fuel! Over the last week or so getting gas has been a real trick. My sister sat in line last Sunday for over 2 hours--I would never have done that...but she did. Yesterday the lines have been down and more gas stations have gas. Not all or not even most stations but more have gas on a regular basis so I think people are done freaking out...for this week at least. For the 1st time in over a week...I pulled right up to a pump and filled up! The price was still ridiculous ($3.93/gallon)

Fall Break...

I can't believe that Fall Break is over. We had a great time doing very little. Thursday was our big day out. We went to Burt's Farm up in Dawsonville. Harrison and I have gone there every year since he was a little guy. I wish I could put my hands on some of those pictures! We had a picnic at Amnicola Falls and walked 425 (Harrison says there were more than that!) steps to the midway point of the falls. Then...we had to walk back up! Seems like an easy task...I know but it was a much bigger challenge than mom and I thought. I think we both need to hit the gym. Finally, we headed over the Dahlonega--panned for gold, bought some chocolate. It was a great day! Have I mentioned that I love GA in the Fall?~

Turn your head sideways to enjoy this. My first video...sorry! :)

Monday, September 29, 2008


So much fun at the photo shoot we went back for a picnic! Enjoy the pics!

Family picture time!

My husband and kids are awesome! Around this time each year "family portrait time" rolls in. They put on their matching clothes...that are usually purchased a day or so eariler (this year about 15 hours early) and smile to make "mama happy!" This year we took close to the whole family for picture day (mom, sister, her 3 kids, sister-in-love, her 2 kids, me, my husband, and our 3 kids--Reid is still trying to figure out how the other men got out of this adventure!) We went to a park that I have never been to (that I remember) called Yellow River Park off of Juhan Rd about 7 minutes from my parents. We walked a trail that looked like everyother Gwinnett County Park and then we veered off the path and walked into what looked like the North Ga. mountains complete with the babbling river with waterfalls! For those of you who don't know...the mountains are my favorite, so to enjoy this so close to home was awesome! The pictures took about 2 hours and we got some great shots. Below are just a few!

A big night!

As posted earlier...Harrison is having a great time playing football at LCA. Not only is he having a good time...he is really playing well. And this past Friday he was rewarded for his effort. Each week the coaches picks 3 captains for the Friday night Varsity game. As you can assume, normally this honor goes to seniors. Well not this past Friday...the honor went to 2 seniors and a freshman--my Freshman! I was so proud of him.

My mom, sister, sister-in-love, and all there kids were part of the excitement! It was a great night.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Getting ready for baby Colin...

Aren't baby showers so much fun! I am NOT a game player at showers. I never really liked those silly games but I know some people do...if you are one of those people you would hate the baby showers I throw...mine are all about fun invitations, decorations, food, and fellowship. Jill and Philip will be welcoming sweet baby Colin in a few weeks and the shower was today- We had a great time showering Jill with gifts and fellowship!

Mom and I spend a Saturday making the invitations...each one was different (we got bored using the same sample)! - We wanted Mandy to help but we got together on a whim and left her out...sorry Mandy!

We didn't leave her out when it came to chopping the veggies and making the sandwiches! :) (I think that having her picture on this blog is a violation of the NO MANDY PICS ON BLOGS declaration!) - sorry sis-in-love!
Brayden and Samuel helped too...

it's time for a post!

Well...I've taken lots of pictures specifically for this blog and well...never had time to blog. School started and I feel like I've been on a run away train! Busy, busy, busy! You know it's crazy but I think soon it won't be busy and I don't think I will know what to do with myself!

Harrison is in 9th grade playing on the JV and Varsity football team. I'll be honest...I didn't think he'd get much Varsity playing time but to my surprise he's been playing a decent amount. A few Friday's ago he went in on a play and I was standing along the fence with several students older than Harrison. We were watching the game and talking and the other team started to run the ball and #70 came out of no where and laid this guy out! The boys I was standing with looked at me and said, "Whoa! Who is #70?" guessed it...Harrison is #70! I was so happy for him. Now, where I was standing I could see the coach. Harrison hopped up and the coach proceeded to hit him on the shoulder pad and yell in his face. I'll be honest...I was unsure of what was going on. It looked and sounded like a great hit to me. The game continued and I picked Harrison up at the school. I asked him about the hit--1st of all, I couldn't slap the smile off his face! I said...(this was after I called my husband, who was on the sideline and had confirmed that #70 did make a great tackle) so was coach mad or happy with your hit and what did he yell at you? Harrison, with an ear to ear grin said, "He was happy! He told me that that was what football was all about! (he yelled that several times!)" Each game an athlete gets the big block award--this is an award that would normally go to a senior, a starter--ell...that week it went to a freshman-my freshman!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

A few random August pics

Just a few pictures to share from August...

Harrison and Mindy started school. Harrison is a freshman! Yikes.

Lindsey turned 18 and we had a family breakfast--you might have a hectic lifestyle if the only time to get together as a family to celebrate a birthday is at 10:30 in the morning. She loved her WAFFLE CAKE!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Am I old???

School is back in session. We are on day three and I just realized something. I have 3 kids (this I already knew and it wasn't a surprise to me)--a middle schooler, a high schooler, and a colleger (I know that isn't a word but I was going with the -er) That just boggles my mind!

Those of you with little ones...enjoy them. Time really does fly! (fun or not)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Lindsey heads to COLLEGE!

Wow! Today was the big day. Reid took Lindsey to school. She has a great dorm is a brand new suite/apartment! Nice, huh! It makes my walk-in closet of a dorm room look pathetic! Lots of things have happened in our relationship with Lindsey over the last few years. It is amazing (that's the only word to use) the restoration that has taken place in order for Reid to take her to school today. We serve an awesome God...who really does see the bigger picture!

Enjoy the photos.

This is the grand entrance--Welcome to College!

This is Lindsey with her roommate.
Could she get anymore clothes in that closet? I don't think so!
Their kitchenette!
View from her room!
Home sweet home!