Saturday, October 11, 2008

growing up...

Yesterday marked another milestone in my son's life. Next weekend is we went suit shopping. 1st of all, there is something to be said for going to a casual church and living at a time in history where the culture is casual as well. I had no idea how expensive suits really were! I was shocked. But we found a great one that he to order flowers!


Grammy said...

How handsome!! I know he is going to have so much fun. Enjoy this time of life, it goes by much to fast! Love, me

Peaches and Cheese said...

PLEASE, PLEASE POST PICTURES!!! I can't wait to see the homecoming pictures. I can't believe how quickly he's grown. I still remember him dancing to Barney (he knew every move) and being smaller than Max (and caboose for that matter). He's grown into such a wonderful and delightful young man. I only hope Ben, Max and caboose can do the same.

Tiffany said...

Wow! He looks so handsome. I can't wait to see pics of him and Becca.
And peaches--I too remember Harrison dancing to Barney. He did know every move and decided to show us all of them the night before my wedding at about 3 am. He especially loved, "Hurry, hurry, drive the firetruck."

Ingle Nook said...

Is there something wrong with me if that brings a tear to my eye?