Saturday, January 9, 2016

An Intentional Check Up...

I started the year with an INTENTIONAL leap!  Forward progress...leaping good how's it going?  Well...maybe it's time for an intentional check up. Standing today NINE days into 2016 with the word intentional as a banner over my year. Have I been?  

According to Webster INTENTIONAL means the following: done with intention [an act or instance of determining mentally upon some action or result] on purpose; intended, of or relating to purpose.

What have I done in the last NINE days to be intentional [on purpose] in my relationship with people and in my relationship with my heavenly father? What have I done intentionally in regards to my health and wellness? What have I done intentionally in keeping up with the daily chores of life?  What have I done intentionally to LEAP?  Or was my LEAP 9 days ago my last INTENTIONAL move and now I'm stuck on other rock?

I don't want to forget my INTENTIONAL today I get back to it and LEAP onto a path but am I on the right path?  And how do I know?

Sometimes paths are paved and pretty easy - Other times the path takes you can be messy and difficult.  You have to watch your step!  Sometimes there is no path at all but there is a little bit of a clearing.  Your visibility isn't completely blocked.  So you trust the Lord and keep INTENTIONALLY walking into where the Lord has lead you.  Yet sometimes the path is non-existent, blocked, or packed with obstacles.  After seeking the Lord and determining this is the way to go..."walk in it" you pull up your boot straps and move forward...trusting completely in the Lord and with purposeful, intentional, determination in your steps you move forward.  NOW...just KEEP walking well - one step at a time, forward motion on the path that God has you on today.  The great news...God's plan doesn't change NO MATTER THE PATH!!  So leap off the rock and get moving on YOUR path and I'll get moving on MINE!

My INTENTIONAL check up on Jan. 9, 2016

  • I have cooked dinner 3 days this week (I was out of town 2 days!)
  • I have been to the gym or to the park 5 of the last 5 days!  YAY!
  • On my walk today - I listened to a great sermon that fed my mind and heart!
  • I took the time to INTENTIONALLY do a check up! 

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