Saturday, June 14, 2008

Just turn your chair around!

I have a new motto..."just turn your chair around!" Wonder where it came from? friend and I were at her neighborhood pool on one of the 1st days of summer. My son, is 14 and her's is 12...but Harrison is much bigger than her little guy and for those of you who have younger kids the rough-housing in the pool can be extreme and loud! Well, this particular day...I couldn't take it and I kept say, "stop, leave him alone, don't splash him in the face, (you can add your own direct order that WILL NOT get followed here)" As the frustration was mounting...Beth very calmly said..."I think you need to turn your chair around!" really stuck with me. Life is all about perspective, right? And sometimes we "just NEED to turn our chairs around." So today...when the stress is too much...just turn your chair around!"

Many blessings.

(pretend that there is a picture of a chair turned around on my deck and I am in it!)--I haven't figured out the picture posting yet!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

I love this advice. I used it at the pool on Friday and had a great time and my kids didn't drown.